The Registration "Field Hockey" is not currently available.
Registration will close May 31, 2024, for Middies and Juniors. Registration for all other Divisions will close June 30, 2024.
There will be evaluations for Junior and Middie players. Additional information to come.
Contact for additional information.
Sticklettes Division - For girls in Kindergarten through Second Grade.
The goal of the Sticklette Division is to introduce the great sport of field hockey.
Sticklettes will play 6 v 6, with no goalie.
Pee Wee Division - For girls in Third and Fourth grade. (Players must be 8 years old by the first game).
The goal of this division is to teach the basic field hockey rules and skills.
Pee Wees play 7 v 7 (including goalie) on a 50-yard field. There are four 10-minute quarters. Penalty corners are called, with three players back at midline.
There are two practices a week.
The county will schedule 7-10 games, which mostly fall on Saturdays and Sundays, with some weekday games.
No scores or standings are kept at this level.
Middie Division - For Fifth and Sixthgraders.
The goal at the Middie division is to continue building on the basic stick skills, while introducing more advanced game strategies and positions.
Games are 11 v 11 (10 field players and 1 goalie) on a 100-yard field. There are two 25-minute halves.
There are two practices a week.
7-10 games which may occur on weekends and weekdays are scheduled.
Games will follow NFHS rules with several exceptions.
Scores and standings are kept at this division.
In case of a tie at the end of a regulation game, teams will play one 7-minute “sudden victory” OT, with 7 players per side. At the end of the overtime play, if no team has a point advantage, the game will be reported as a tie.
The county schedules 7-10 games. Then each team goes into a tournament play-off schedule, with single elimination rounds.
Junior Division - For Seventh and Eighth graders.
The goal of the Junior level is to teach more advanced drills and game strategies in an overall effort to prepare the players for high school.
Games are 11 v11, with the same rules as the Middie Division.
There are generally two practices a week.
The county schedules 7-10 games. Then each team goes into a tournament play-off schedule, with single elimination rounds.
Senior Division: This league is for players in 9th through 12th grade, who are NOT playing at their high school. Please contact the county for registration information.
Anne Arundel County Rules for Youth Field Hockey:
Rules for ALL LEAGUES:
High school students looking for volunteer hours are welcome to assist! If you have a coach in mind, reach out to them directly. Or contact the Field Hockey Commissioners at and we'll happily connect you with a coach.